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You’ll find feedback from teachers, librarians, parents and children throughout this website.  Here are a few more quotes, to show the range of Alec’s work, and the views of those who’ve heard him.


From children:

Thank you for reading all those books – none could have done better! (Primary School boy, 2000)

I think Alec is top and should go round other schools. I would recommend him to anyone. If I had to rate him it would be 5/5.  Super funny – I’d like him to be here all the time. (11 year old boy, Gateshead, 2010)

You’re a very good actress! (10 year old girl, 2001)

From teachers and school librarians:

After your departure I had a positive scramble in the poetry section of the library by boys, a sight I have never witnessed before.  I also had a queue after school of pupils waiting to borrow books, and I have a reservation list (10 pupils long) for those who want to read titles you showed them!  The library’s profile has increased tenfold, and I’d like to thank you for your enthusiasm and
 (School Librarian, Cumbria, 2003)


We really enjoyed the day. Both children and all staff have said how much they enjoyed your visit, and children in Reception have retold your stories much to our delight, especially the ‘Bear and the Bee’ and ‘Ghost in the Cellar’ stories. Thank you so much for coming and we look forward to seeing you again soon. (Teacher, Liverpool, February 2014)

You are just what our children need to make them realise that reading can be cool and funny, not just something to do because their teacher says they have to. (Teacher, Somerset, May 2011)

Alec’s visit was a huge success.  Events like this really enrich children’s education, and lead to a greater love of language and reading.  (Head Teacher, Somerset, 2008)

Thank you so much for your very welcome visit to our setting. As you no doubt must have noticed the children were engrossed in your every word - so much so that our ‘Shark in the Park’ book is now known as 'The Man’s Story’!  They enjoyed all the storytelling session and also you chatting to them when you joined them for their lunch break. They helped us to repeat the action rhymes and stories to their peers who hadn't attended on the day (and they still do so).  I've also been told that some of the dads have become involved with story time at home, all thanks to you.  This has been a positive, educational and social experience for the children; thank you also for all the follow-up information that you’ve sent to us. (Playgroup Leader, Blackpool,  2012)


Training Courses and Workshops:

I really enjoyed the day – it’s always a pleasure working with you. We’ve had some terrific feedback, which demonstrates the difference a presenter like you can make.  (School Library Service Manager, Lancashire, 2014)

I had forgotten how good the day was until I re-read your notes! Thank you so much for these, they are going to be hugely helpful in our promotion of reading for pleasure. I am sure this isn’t the last you have heard from me!(School Librarian, Scotland, November 2013)

As a student I would like to thank you for the most rewarding experience ever!  It was fun, and it offered a new and interesting approach for teaching English.  I learned many new things, and I will implement them in future for sure. (Student teacher, Macedonia, 2013)

Can you come and do another course for us, and include some of your wisenesses… (Bookstart course organiser, Bradford, 2013)


I much enjoyed your plenary. Excellent!  Telling jokes, stories and anecdotes well is a real art, and you are a master!  (Fellow presenter, Cyprus conference, 2014)

Alec Williams, storyteller and performer, held the Library’s evening audience on Monday spellbound. He regaled us with short anecdotes taken from his previous life as a librarian, as well those from his later career as a peripatetic storyteller and it resulted in such stomach-aching laughter and throat- rasping hysterics one left on a complete high.(Parent after school talk, Hertfordshire, 2008)

I thoroughly enjoyed your rousing speech at the end of the conference!(Author James Mayhew, Norwich conference, 2014)


The day's proceedings were masterfully conducted by Alec Williams (Wayne Mills, Question Master of the Kids' Lit Quiz, 2014)

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